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Ocean Deep(英国克里夫·理察演唱歌曲)

Ocean Deep(英国克里夫·理察演唱歌曲)

Ocean Deep歌手Cliff Richard 所唱的着名歌曲之一,此曲被香港歌手刘美君翻唱改编成粤语版的歌曲《爱是无涯》,后来还被周华健改编为他自己很好听的一首歌《伤心的歌》,已解散的乐队优客李林也曾翻唱此歌曲。


外文名称:Ocean Deep所属专辑:1980S歌曲时长:04:55发行时间:2003年03月歌曲原唱:Cliff Richard填词:Trott / Sweet谱曲:Trott / Sweet


歌名:Ocean Deep
歌手:Cliff Richard
作曲:Trott / Sweet
love, can't you see i'm alone
can't you give this fool a chance
a little love is all i ask
a little kindness in the night
please don't leave me behind
no, don't tell me love is blind
a little love is all i ask
and that is all
ooh... love
i've been searching so long
i've been searching high and low
a little love is all i ask
a little sadness when you're gone
maybe you need a friend
only please don't let's pretend
a ltitle love is all i ask
and that is all
i wanna spread my wings
but i just can't fly
as a string of pearls and pretty girls
go sailing by
ocean deep
i'm so afraid to show my feelings
i have sailed a million ceilings
solitary room
ocean deep
will i ever find a lover
may be she has found the lover
and as i cry myself to sleep
i know this love of mine i'll keep
ocean deep
can't you hear when i call
can't you hear a word i say
a little love is all i ask
a little feeling when we touch
why am i still alone
i've got a heart without a home
a little love is all i ask
and that is all
i wanna spread my wings
but i just can't fly
as a string of pearls and pretty girls
go sailing by
ocean deep
i'm so afraid to show my feelings
i have sailed a million ceilings (in a)
solitary room
ocean deep
will i ever find a lover
may be she has found the lover
and as i cry myself to sleep
i know this love of mine i'll keep
ocean deep
i'm so longly longly longly
(may be may be)
ocean deep
on my own, in my room
(may be may be)
i'm so lone...
ocean deep
i'm so longly, i'm so lone...
this love of mine i'll keep
ocean deep...


LOVE,你知不知到我的孤单?能不能给我这傻瓜一次机会, 给我一个夜晚一点点爱,一点点温存;请别把我丢一边,是的,别告诉我说爱是迷茫, 我只要一点点爱。 LOVE,我一直在寻觅, 山高水长,只求一点点爱。你离开时我有点感伤,或许你需要的是友情,那又何必彼此伪装,我只要一点点爱。我想展开翅膀,却不会飞翔。我羡慕那漂亮的女孩带着珍珠链,航行在 深深的海洋……爱真的难以开口,我怕说出来,你是我唯一的爱。我处处碰壁,只是难以抗拒。相思的苦海!也许,也许,众里寻她千百度,她却在那灯火阑珊处。也许她已经爱上别人,当我哭着入睡时,我知道要把这爱深藏心底,像深深的海洋…… LOVE,听到我在呼唤你吗?能听到我说的话吗? 我只要一点点爱,一点点温存的感觉。为什幺我还是孤单,是我的心还没有找到归处。但我只要一点点爱。

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